Job injuries are one of the most upsetting things that may happen on the workplace. Italian Law defines a job injury as a consequence of the so-called “Violent Cause”. A job injury happens when an employee gets injured during worktime and when, from this event, death or inability (temporary or permanent) may occur. Absence from work for at least three days is required in order to talk of job injury. Injuries that may occur during commute are also considered as job injuries (aka commuting accidents or on-going injuries). As employees protection, an insurance is required by Law in order both to cover healthcare costs and to get a compensation for the suffered damage.

Job injuries: what to do?

In order to maintain the right of receiving economic support from INAIL, the employee is required to immediately notify his employer of the accident. This will also give the employee the right to receive a compensation for the suffered damage. The accident report is an employer duty and, if he doesn’t comply with this duty, he may be subject to a fine. Usually, when a job injury happens, the employer is held accountable whenever it is demonstrated he has not enforced job safety measures on the workplace.

The office receives phone calls every afternoon from Monday to Thursday from 4.00pm to 6.30pm

Contact us +39 335 296259

The FIRST APPOINTMENT at the Milan law firm is fact-finding for the assessment of the problem and is therefore FREE.

Whatsapp: +39 335 296259


In his Milan office, Attorney Previtera takes care of compensation requests for job injuries. Services also include damage quantification and details on compensations procedures and amounts. Employees who happened to get injured on workplace or during commuting may request a compensation both to INAIL (National Institute for Job Injury Insurance) and to employers (if they are held accountable for the injury). If the employer is held accountable for the injury, he is required to compensate the employee for the so-called “differential damage”. If the employer is not willing to compensate the employee, then the court is only possible avenue.

Previtera Legal Office has years of experience and practice in this field and offers its client legal and forensic medicine consultations and assistance both against INAIL and employers.
